Monday, February 27, 2012

Patterson-Gimlin Film

The Patterson Gimlim film is one of the most famous bigfoot sightings/film, shot with a 16mm Kodak movie camera. It was supposedly filmed on October 27, 1967 by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlim on  Bluff Creek outside of Orleans, California at approximately 1:30. 59.5 seconds later the film ran out. The film apparently showed a female bigfoot known as Patty. It was said to be 7 ft. and 6 1/2 inches tall.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Names for Bigfoot

 What is the difference between bigfoots, Sasquatches, and yetis? Well there is no difference, they are the same. These ape/human creatures mostly known as bigfoot, are called different names in different countries and places.

 Here is a list of bigfoot names:

Australia    ---    Yowie
Brazil         ---     Mapinguari
Canada       ---     Sasquatch
China         ---     Yeren
Japan          ---     Hibagon
Mongolia    ---    Almas
Scotland     ---     Fear Liath More      
Siberia        ---     Chuchunaa
Tibet            ---     Yeti
US                ---     Bigfoot
Venezuela   ---     Mono Grande
Vietnam      ---     Batutut

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bigfoot Basics

From the people who claim they have seen bigfoot, bigfoot is said to be anywhere between 7 and 15ft tall and have a reddish-brown coat of hair.  Some people have also seen Sasquatches with white hair. People say that when Sasquatches have white hair they are older. They are also known to walk on two legs and make a grunt sound and a loud howl. His face appears to be a cross between that of a human and gorilla. From experiences some say that bigfoot is shy, curious, and means no harm. Sasquatches also try to avoid cities, running cars, and people.

Bigfoots are reported to be omnivores, eating edible plants and meats such as deer, small rodents, elk, and fish.

Where Did "Bigfoot" Originate?

Legends of human-like creatures go back a very long time, and legends exist on every continent except for Antarctica because of weather. They go by many names, the most common of which are Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti.

It wasn't until the late 50s when a photo was taken of what was believed to be a Yeti footprint that people became interested in bigfoot. More questionable photos and film began to show up, along with more questionable physical evidence (footprints, hair, etc.), but, to this day, there is no genuine evidence of their existence - no bones, no skeletons, no teeth, no anything.

Graph of Bigfoot Sightings in US

Here is a graph of bigfoot sightings in the US (red = sighting.) As you can see Washington st. is full of bigfoot sightings, same with the rest of the west coast going down to California. Other places to look at are Ohio and Florida. The whole area inside Ohio, Oklahoma, and Florida is packed with sightings. States with very little bigfoot encounters include: Maine, New Hampshire, North and South Dakota, and Nebraska. The US aren't the only place with a lot of sightings, places like China and British Colombia also have many sightings. The amount of bigfoot encounters is increasing fast, many people are witnessing these big, harry Sasquatches, so hopefully you will to.